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These are the Authors of KJILM Martin and Sharon Hellema

Who we are...

ur ministry KJILM is based in Southall, London, UK, and we want to impact the neighbourhood and the world for Jesus Christ. Many people today are lost and have pain, problems and sorrows. Also there are those who have sicknesses and oppressions and other problems and need prayer. We want to be there for those who are lost and feel they need a little bit of help.

After you have read about KJILM, we would like to introduce you to the main people in this ministry. Below you will find the profiles of the people who are at the heart of this ministry. Their wish is that this Web Site and the thoughts behind it will be an inspiration to millions who will log into King Jesus is Lord Ministries Home Page. We ask you therefore to support this ministry to develop more of these ideas. We would also like to hear your comments and have your encouragement.

Martin was born in Holland and born again in 1988. In Holland he was involved in all kinds of spiritual meetings of travelling ministers and church ministering activities. In 1994 he moved to London when he was invited to come and minister here in London and Southall, UK after the Lord called him to be there. He went to Bible school in London and studied several other Bible courses. His knowledge is extensive about biblical interpretation. From 1995 until 1997 he ministered in Kings Hall, London, Southall, UK, preaching the Word and in 1997 he became  the founder and president of KJIL Ministries. Presently he is ministering in KJILM as minister of the Gospel in his neighbourhood and in London. At this moment he is asked to work in crusades and to preach our Lord Jesus in diverse ministries. Also he is the spiritual father of this Web Site. http://www.kjilm.co.uk He feels that God has called him to spread the Gospel in an uncontroversial and uncompromising way to people and on the Internet and other ways of sharing it. His ministry is followed with breakthroughs into the spiritual and the natural. He is married to Sharon and together in KJILM they finance, correspond, give prayer support, direction and bible studies/advice to diverse ministries, organisations and people. Also he has been involved in writing different theses such as: The life of Jesus, The Holy Spirit and Pneumatics. He has extensively travelled to over 34 countries. He also recommends visitors to check out this new link for growing in wisdom and knowledge:http://www.thehopeproject.com/

Sharon was born in London but a Jamaican by origin. She is an outstanding and excellent and qualified English teacher, Program Manager, NVQ Assessor, Black Management and Internal Verifier Division. She works together with her husband in KJILM as Personal Assistant. She regularly contributes to this Web Site for your direction in salvation and development. She was born-again in 1973. She has ministered alongside her husband in Kings Hall and other ministries and KJILM. Her mission is to teach the Word and bring people into the Lord’s Kingdom. She will also pray for your needs and questions you may have when you send your E-mails with prayer requests or other questions.

Telephone: +44-020-85740737
Fax  : +44-020-85740737
E-mail: kjilm@kjilm.co.uk

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